About myself!

As you read on the main page I was born in Baku. At the age of 6 my family, and I moved to a smaller city Lenkoran. It also situated on the shore of the Caspian Sea, and it has a beautifull nature. To tell truth I consider these two cities my homecities. So I went to school in Lenkoran, graduated in 1999, and now here I am in MIssissippi, finishing school again. In little bit more than a mounth I am heading back to my Azerbaijan.
MY hobbies: I love different kinds of sports: such as basketball, soccer, track, table tennis. I like to read also, but the book must be extremly interesting in order to me read it all day. Sometimes I like to spend time just with myself(that's why I am running), think about my future plans, my problems, my life:).
I live on a grass farm. THey, my host parents plant athletic fields, private gardens, and staff like that. I like my host family, and I find some similarities in them with my natural parents:).
In three mounth, in Azerbaijan I will take a test, test that will decide my future. It is for entering a college. I will be stydiing. So here I, I hope you are not bored now:), enjoy the site, and have a grrrrrreat time!

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